Monitoring of urban grassland flora by green space managers
Monitoring of urban grassland flora by green space managers to calculate an ecological indicator for grassland quality in connection with associated management methods.
Florilèges prairies urbaines
Placement of 10 quadrats measuring 1 m x 1 m in the center of a grassland area that is larger than 130 square meters.
A survey of the plants growing inside each quadrat is conducted once a year, between June 1 and July 31.
Monitoring of butterflies in green spaces by professional gardeners to measure changes in populations and assess the impact of management practices on butterflies
Protocole Papillons Gestionnaires
Observers conduct timed species counts (ten-minute counts along a transect) three times a year (June, July, August) to identify and count the butterflies they observe.
Enjoy listening to music, annotating and learning about structures in music performance
CosmoNote was created to study the structures created and shaped in musical performance, i.e., those that arise from the decisions and actions of the performer. We are recruiting expert and non-expert participants who are curious and motivated to annotate, discover and learn about music performance.
CosmoNote uses any browser to present music recordings accompanied by visualizations of relevant descriptors. Our contributors will use interactive annotation tools to mark structures such as boundaries, transitions, note groups, found in performed music.
Serez-vous prêt-e à demasquer les mystères de votre micro-onde?
Contribuez à l’élaboration d’une nouvelle méthode de décontamination des masques de protection en participant à une expérience dans votre cuisine.
Chauffer 500g d'eau et/ou d'aliments secs dans un récipient adapté à pleine puissance pendant 2 minutes dans votre micro-onde.
Puis mesurer la décroissance de température de l'eau ou de l'aliment sec pendant 18 min
Rejoignez les explorateurs de la nature et découvrez la biodiversité qui vous entoure !
L'application mobile INPN Espèces vous permet de découvrir la diversité des espèces présentes autour de vous et de participer à l'inventaire de la biodiversité de votre commune. Les utilisateurs contribuent ainsi à l’amélioration de la connaissance des espèces, en métropole et outre-mer.
INPN Espèces
Envoyez vos photographies d’espèces sauvages, accompagnées de quelques précisions : date, lieu de l'observation, groupe (mammifère, oiseau, plante…), voire espèce supposée. Recevez sur le mobile la confirmation de l’identification par les experts et des points pour chaque information correcte.
Let's all be historians !
Survey on the history of Charleville
To track the journeys of individuals who lived in Charleville in the 19th century but who were born in or who emigrated to another city in the Ardennes region in order to better understand people’s life paths and movements.
Tous historiens !
Recreation of individuals’ life paths from civil records (christenings, deaths and marriages) and censuses.
LITTOROC - LITTer dynamics Observatory in the River-Ocean Continuum
The project aims to understand the origin and estimate the quantity of litter, and especia.
LITTOROC - LITTer dynamics Observatory in the River-Ocean Continuum
- Monitoring of accumulated macro waste
- Raising awareness of pollution and encouraging reflection on waste life cycles
- Testing mapping with drones to estimate waste quantities
This research program aims to present the heritage of the Fondjomekwet chieftaincy. It also studies the mechanisms underlying the heritage selection process and local representations associated with the museum and visitors.
Patrimoine Fondjomekwet
A participatory inventory is being carried out with representatives of the Fondjomekwet chieftaincy about what the communities consider to be their heritage. Work still needs to be done on the cultural practices promoted by the diaspora.
You can create an account if you are a member of the Sorbonne University Alliance or if you are a partner of a citizen science project carried out by an ASU organization.