Monitoring of butterflies in green spaces by professional gardeners to measure changes in populations and assess the impact of management practices on butterflies
Specific actions
Observers conduct timed species counts (ten-minute counts along a transect) three times a year (June, July, August) to identify and count the butterflies they observe.

Type of project : Field, online
Participation period : June, July, August
Level of involvement : Once a month
Project description
This observatory is part of the Vigie Nature network.
The importance of biodiversity is increasingly being taken into account today and must be implemented in tangible ways in land-use planning policies. Local and regional authorities need tools to measure the effects of their practices on biodiversity.
PROPAGE (the French acronym stands for “butterfly protocol for managers”) aims to address this need: by monitoring butterflies, which are especially sensitive to environmental disturbances, it is possible to assess the quality of an environment, compare that environment to other sites, and monitor changes in the impact of practices over the years. This simple and quick protocol was designed to be used by green space workers and managers. In addition to the scientific value it offers, it also helps raise awareness among site staff and managers about the current challenge of biodiversity loss and about possible actions to protect it. It also provides resources to inform users about these actions.
Participant testimonials
How the project started
PROPAGE is the result of a joint project between the Noé association and the Vigie-Nature team from the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle to assess the impact of cultivation practices on common butterflies found in green spaces. After refining the method and tools used in 2008 in the Parc départemental du Sausset park and Bois de Vincennes public park, a first test phase was successfully launched in 2009 in the Île-de-France region with the support of the Conseil général de Seine-Saint-Denis and Paris City Hall. Based on this work, a final protocol was adopted and suitable documents were drawn up for the national launch in 2010.
Angélique Daubercies
Chargée des Observatoires de la biodiversité
Angélique Daubercies
Benoît Fontaine
Ingénieur de recherche
Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN)
Benoît Fontaine
Martin Jeanmougin
Coordinateur Programmes Gestionnaires Vigie Nature
Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN)
UMR 7204 Cesco