Lichens GO is a monitoring of lichens growing on trees in cities to better understand the ecology of these organisms and their sensitivity to air pollution.
Specific actions
Locate three straight trees.
Observe the lichens on their trunks and determine them with the Lichens GO key (available on the site)
Enter your observation data and participate in the construction of knowledge on these organisms and on air quality!

Everywhere in France
Type of project : Field, online
Participation period : case by case
Level of involvement : Case by case
Project description
Join Lichens GO and discover lichens growing on trees in cities in order to assess the average levels of air pollution and better understand the ecology of these very specific organisms.
An identification key has been developed to allow the recognition of different lichen species without the need for any other material than a botanical magnifying glass! The study method is based on the presence of different lichen species to assess the level of pollution.
How to participate ?
Before going on the field:
Make sure you have all the necessary equipment:
– field sheets to record your observations.
– your observation grid to analyze the distribution of the different lichens: to make it, use our template. You can also cut 5 squares of sheep mesh.
– a magnifying glass (magnification X10)
– a compass or a smartphone
– a meter
– an electronic identification key is also available on line!
Are you ready ? So let’s go !
During the field trip:
1) Locate 3 straight trees in town
Note the species of trees, their circumferences, their location as well as their proximity to a building.
2) Place the base of your observation grid 1m above the ground on the four faces (north, south, east, west) of each of the three trees.
The grid made up of 5 aligned squares of 10×10 cm delimits the observation area.
3) Identify the lichen species present using our determination key.
Find this determination key and all the information to implement the protocol in our booklet. You can also determine the lichens you observe with this electronic determination key. Record your observations on the field sheet.
After the field trip:
Create an account on the data entry site.
Enter the data from your field sheet online on the platform.
Share your photos and your feedback with the community of participants on the Lichens GO groups on Facebook or iNaturalist!
The participation
Training required
Required equipment
– field sheet
– observation grid to make yourself
– magnifying glass (magnification x10)
– metre
– compass or smartphone
Marie-agathe Keita
Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN)
Marie-agathe Keita

Ingénieure de recherche - Coordinatrice du programme PartiCitaE
Sorbonne University
Observatoires des sciences de l’Univers Ecce Terra
Chassany Vincent
Coordinateur de Vigie-Nature École