Assess the spatial and temporal variations in the abundance of odonata populations.
Specific actions
Standardized counts of common odonata
Type of project : Field, online
Participation period : Spring, summer
Project description
This observatory is part of the Vigie Nature network.
The methodology is simple and straightforward: observers who want to participate can choose the site that is most convenient.
Within that site, observers count how many odonata they can see or capture. Between three and nine counts are carried out each year.
The dragonfly and habitat surveys are repeated every year at the same points and same dates, weather conditions permitting, by the same observer.
The program protocol is available on the website, along with various information on how to set up the program.
Benoît Fontaine
Ingénieur de recherche
Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN)
Benoît Fontaine
Cédric Van Appelghem
maître de conférences
Cédric Van Appelghem