Transdisciplinary approaches for the coconstruction of knowledge on the sustainable management of soil fertility in Cambodia
Specific actions
– Measure of the environment (biodiversity, soil properties…)
– Socioecomic surveys
– Workshop with farmers for the coconstruction of solutions.
– Trainings on sustainability science.
Project description
In Cambodia, the cost associated with land degradation is estimated at $700 million per year, threatening the country’s food and economic security. As part of a transdisciplinary approach, the Réa-Sol project proposes to co-construct WITH and FOR farmers, associations and scientists soil degradation risk indicators. These indicators will be established on the basis of scientific analyzes of the environment and discussions with farmers through participatory approaches and the use of digital applications. The Réa-Sol project will identify local empirical knowledge and sustainable and innovative farming practices associated with soil rehabilitation, its resilience to climate change, and the food and economic security of the most vulnerable populations. To meet this objective, this project is built around a collaboration between ITC and RUA researchers from the Ministries of Education (MoEYS) and Agriculture (MAFF), and their French partners from IRD, as well as collaborations with Cambodian (CADT, RUPP) and French (NGO AGRISUD International, and a French company, LISODE) partners.

Pascal Jouquet
iEES Paris