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Oiseaux des Jardins aims to obtain qualitative and quantitative data to better understand the impact of human activities on bird populations.

Specific actions

Participants identify and count the birds they see in their garden as often as they wish throughout the year. The protocol requires no prior knowledge.

Project created
Mainland France

Type of project : Field

Participation period : All year

Level of involvement : Case by case


ODJ-geai des chênes
Photo credits Frédérique Jiguet
ODJ-moineau domestique
Photo credits Frédérique Jiguet

Project description

This observatory is part of the Vigie Nature network.

Oiseaux des Jardins is an observatory for the general public. Citizens can help advance knowledge on local biodiversity by regularly sharing their data with the observatory. Participation can be in the city or in the countryside, in a private garden, a public park or even a balcony. All participants have to do is send in their bird observations regularly. While observing nature, participants take part in a research program to study the effects of climate, urbanization and agriculture on biodiversity. By participating, observers help scientists understand when and why birds visit gardens. The Oiseaux des Jardins Observatory is a Vigie-Nature program set up by the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle and the French bird protection league, LPO.


Anne Dozières

Anne Dozières

Directrice de Vigie-Nature

Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN)


Anne Dozières
