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Heritage - culture - society Humanities and social science


A participatory approach in Indonesia where students and members of the local communities work together on archaeological, prehistorical and cultural heritage conservation issues.

Specific actions

– Retrieval of scientific data in collaboration with local communities and institutions (museums, schools, elected officials)
– Collaborative discussion on the implementation of conservation tools

Project created
  • Indonesia

Sangiran, Central Java, Indonesia

Type of project : Field

Participation period : In spring as part of an educational field module lasting two to three weeks; in fall, during a one month dig.

Level of involvement : Case by case

Photo credits Anne-Marie Sémah
Photo credits Corentin Biets
Photo credits Corentin Biets
Photo credits HOH
Photo credits HOH
Photo credits HOH
Photo credits HOH
Photo credits HOH
Photo credits HOH
Photo credits HOH
Photo credits HOH

Project description

Participants: students, Pokdarwis members, YGC members, academic supervisors (all individuals recruited).


A word from the project researcher/leader

The educational program is valuable for two reasons with regard to the subject of study (prehistoric site on UNESCO’s World Heritage List): 

  • Increase the role of communities (in a broad sense) in conserving the archaeological site 
  • Develop a participatory approach to data collection for the artifacts and deposits and their documentation
  • Disseminate best practices related to these two goals (e.g., what to do in case of accidental discovery, climate events, illegal trade, etc.)


How the project started

The project came about as part of (1) the development of educational activities from French-Indonesian prehistorical project cooperation; (2) a long history of collaborative field research (digs) involving members of the local communities; and (3) the experience acquired during the European PREHsea project (Managing Prehistoric Heritage in Southeast Asia, 2012–2016).

The participation

Training required

Students participating in the program take an online training course. They also receive training through seminars on prehistory, heritage, community relations, tourism and communication.


Corentin Biets

Corentin Biets

doctorant - Co-construction, analyse du programme participatif

Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN)

UMR 7194 (Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, CNRS, Université de Perpignan via Domitia) « Histoire naturelle de l’Homme préhistorique » - Equipe « PRETROP : Préhistoires tropicales »

Sih Natalia Sukmi

Sih Natalia Sukmi


Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN)

Histoire Naturelle de l'Homme Préhistorique

François Sémah

François Sémah


Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN)

UMR 7194 (Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, CNRS, Université de Perpignan via Domitia) « Histoire naturelle de l’Homme préhistorique » - Equipe « PRETROP : Préhistoires tropicales »
