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Science together

Get involved in citizen science


The collective intelligence challenge

Collaborative endeavors between scientists and civil society stakeholders have developed significantly in recent years. This growth is driven by public interest in the scientific approach and culture, as well as by the need to find solutions to complex issues (economic, social, health, environmental, cultural, educational and ethical). Digital technology has helped foster the development of this type of collaboration, drawing on both artificial and collective intelligence.

Citizen science relies on cooperation and public participation to produce knowledge in a manner that approaches the scientific, ethical, legal and technology issues of research from a broader perspective.

Finding answers together has thus become the great collective intelligence challenge of the 21st century.

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News & events

Festival Va Savoir!

Festival Va Savoir!

Le festival Va Savoir! se tiendra du vendredi 25 au dimanche 27 octobre 2024 à Montpellier et permettra à toutes et à tous de découvrir de nombreux programmes de disciplines diverses à travers animations, balades, expositions, jeux-escape game et soirée concert.Retrouvez le programme du festival sur www.festival-vasavoir.fr.Événement gratuit, accessible à ...

Colloque - Séminaire
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Appel à projet Recherches participatives - émergence

Appel à projet Recherches participatives - émergence

Une nouvelle vague de l'Appel à Projet Recherches Participatives 2 (émergence) vient d'être publiée par l'ANR.Cet AAP vise, comme le précédent ouvert en 2023, à accompagner la maturation de projets en émergence sur une durée de 12 à 18 mois avec un financement maximal de 100k€ par projet.Date limite de ...

Appel à projet
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Objectif Plancton Biodiversity Biodiversity

Objectif Plancton

Découverte et étude du plancton

Les objectifs du projet sont d’étudier la variabilité spatiale et temporelle de la communauté planctonique et de sensibiliser le public à cet univers méconnu.

Objectif Plancton

Les plaisanciers et acteurs de la mer sont invités trois fois par an à échantillonner le plancton en rade de Brest et Lorient et dans la baie de Concarneau.

Project created
Mainland France

Type of project : Field

Level of involvement : Once a quarter

Animal Connect Citizen Science Citizen Science

Animal Connect

Observation scientifique du comportement animal par les visiteur⸱se⸱s de zoos et aquariums

Animal Connect vise à produire des données structurées et fiables pour les chercheur⸱se⸱s éthologues, partager avec les zoos et aquariums une meilleure connaissance sur les comportements et habitudes des animaux, et diffuser ces connaissances auprès des visiteur⸱se⸱s via leur participation.

Animal Connect

Animal Connect propose à la communauté professionnelle de chercheur⸱se⸱s et d’établissements zoologiques (parcs et aquariums), de concevoir ensemble des protocoles scientifiques d’observation adaptés aux visiteur⸱se⸱s et aux différents contextes dans lesquels sont présentés les animaux.

Project under development
All over France

Level of involvement : Case by case

LITTOROC - LITTer dynamics Observatory in the River-Ocean Continuum Environment Environment

LITTOROC - LITTer dynamics Observatory in the River-Ocean Continuum

The project aims to understand the origin and estimate the quantity of litter, and especia.

LITTOROC - LITTer dynamics Observatory in the River-Ocean Continuum

- Monitoring of accumulated macro waste - Raising awareness of pollution and encouraging reflection on waste life cycles - Testing mapping with drones to estimate waste quantities

Project in test phase

Type of project : Field

Level of involvement : Once a day

Suivi Temporel des Oiseaux Communs (STOC-EPS) Biodiversity Biodiversity

Suivi Temporel des Oiseaux Communs (STOC-EPS)

Breeding bird survey

Assess the spatial and temporal variations in the abundance of common breeding bird populations.

Suivi Temporel des Oiseaux Communs (STOC-EPS)

Standardized counts of common birds

Project created
Mainland France

Type of project : Field, online

Level of involvement : Case by case

Vigie-Nature École Biodiversity Biodiversity

Vigie-Nature École

A network of students to advance science

Vigie-Nature École offers French teachers the opportunity to monitor what is known as “common” biodiversity by implementing scientific protocols with their students.

Vigie-Nature École

Ten citizen’s observatories are currently available for preschool to high school-aged students to study various groups of species such as snails, insects, urban flora and birds.

Project created
All over France

Type of project : Field

Level of involvement : Case by case

Suivi Hivernal des Oiseaux Communs (SHOC) Biodiversity Biodiversity

Suivi Hivernal des Oiseaux Communs (SHOC)

Wintering bird survey

Assess the spatial and temporal variations in the abundance of winter populations of common birds.

Suivi Hivernal des Oiseaux Communs (SHOC)

Standardized counts of common birds

Project created
Mainland France

Type of project : Field, online

Level of involvement : Case by case

Corneilles Paris Citizen Science Citizen Science

Corneilles Paris

Contribute to study urban crows by reading their colour rings!

Document the functioning of urban crow populations : survival, dispersal, behaviours. Collect ring recoveries by citizen to feed a long-term database to study demographics and movements.

Corneilles Paris

Read colour rings and report your observations on web portal Signal any unusual behaviour

Project created
Mainland France

Type of project : Field

Level of involvement : Case by case

Opération Papillon Biodiversity Biodiversity

Opération Papillon

Garden butterfly monitoring

Opération Papillons aims to improve scientific knowledge on butterflies. The data collected over the long term should help measure the effects of human activities on these species.

Opération Papillon

Participants carry out inventories of butterflies in their gardens or on their balconies, noting the maximum number of individuals seen together for each species. At the end of each week of observation, the data are entered on the observatory website.

Project created
Mainland France

Type of project : Field, online

Level of involvement : Case by case

Observatoire des Bourdons Biodiversity Biodiversity

Observatoire des Bourdons

Garden bumblebees monitoring

Observatoire des Bourdons aims to obtain qualitative and quantitative data on bumblebees to better understand the impact of global changes on these pollinating insects.

Observatoire des Bourdons

Participants carry out inventories of bumblebees in their gardens or on their balconies, noting the maximum number of individuals seen together for each species. At the end of each week of observation, the data are entered on the observatory website.

Project created
Mainland France

Type of project : Field

Level of involvement : Case by case