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Science together

Get involved in citizen science


The collective intelligence challenge

Collaborative endeavors between scientists and civil society stakeholders have developed significantly in recent years. This growth is driven by public interest in the scientific approach and culture, as well as by the need to find solutions to complex issues (economic, social, health, environmental, cultural, educational and ethical). Digital technology has helped foster the development of this type of collaboration, drawing on both artificial and collective intelligence.

Citizen science relies on cooperation and public participation to produce knowledge in a manner that approaches the scientific, ethical, legal and technology issues of research from a broader perspective.

Finding answers together has thus become the great collective intelligence challenge of the 21st century.

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News & events

Festival Va Savoir!

Festival Va Savoir!

Le festival Va Savoir! se tiendra du vendredi 25 au dimanche 27 octobre 2024 à Montpellier et permettra à toutes et à tous de découvrir de nombreux programmes de disciplines diverses à travers animations, balades, expositions, jeux-escape game et soirée concert.Retrouvez le programme du festival sur www.festival-vasavoir.fr.Événement gratuit, accessible à ...

Colloque - Séminaire
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Appel à projet Recherches participatives - émergence

Appel à projet Recherches participatives - émergence

Une nouvelle vague de l'Appel à Projet Recherches Participatives 2 (émergence) vient d'être publiée par l'ANR.Cet AAP vise, comme le précédent ouvert en 2023, à accompagner la maturation de projets en émergence sur une durée de 12 à 18 mois avec un financement maximal de 100k€ par projet.Date limite de ...

Appel à projet
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Kéfir Ensemble Citizen Science Citizen Science

Kéfir Ensemble

Kéfir Ensemble a pour but d’aider les scientifiques à étudier l’évolution et la résilience des consortiums microbiens présents dans le kéfir de fruit lors de leur circulation géographique.

Kéfir Ensemble

Cultiver et entretenir une souche de kéfir fournie par KefirSpace pendant 1 ans, commenter via la plateforme Kéfir Ensemble la localisation géographique de l’expérience et de la recette utilisée. Mise en place d'un webinaire autour des expériences et de la fermentation.

Project created
All over France

Type of project : Field, online

Level of involvement : Once a week

Vigie-Terre Astronomy - geology Astronomy - geology


Vigie-Terre is a citizen science project under development at the French National Museum of Natural History that objectives to allow volunteers to report and describe fresh, visible outcrops.


An online reporting protocol has been developed to locate and describe a fresh outcrop and allow geologists scattered throughout the territory to assess the geological interest of the site.

Project created
All over France

Type of project : Field, online

Level of involvement : Case by case

SimParc Biodiversity Biodiversity


Simulation de gestion participative de parcs

Exploration de méthodologies participatives de gestion de parcs et espaces protégés pour la conservation de la biodiversité et l’inclusion sociale, fondée sur des techniques informatiques avancées.


Développement du prototype informatique (jeu sérieux distribué simulant un conseil de gestion de parc) et des assistants décentralisés (analyse de viabilité, décision, argumentation, négociation).

Project created

Type of project : Field, online

Level of involvement : Case by case

EcorçAir Environment Environment


Plane tree bark and fine particle pollution

EcorçAir proposes the construction of annual maps of fine particle pollution by measuring the magnetic susceptibility of particles deposited on the bark of plane trees in cities. EcorçAir is an observatory of PartiCitaE.


City residents are invited to collect plane tree bark in the city between mid-February and mid-April and send their samples for analysis to the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris. They will then be notified of the fine particle levels measured on their samples.

Project created
All over France

Type of project : Field

Level of involvement : Once a year

CosmoNote Science and music Science and music


Enjoy listening to music, annotating and learning about structures in music performance

CosmoNote was created to study the structures created and shaped in musical performance, i.e., those that arise from the decisions and actions of the performer. We are recruiting expert and non-expert participants who are curious and motivated to annotate, discover and learn about music performance.


CosmoNote uses any browser to present music recordings accompanied by visualizations of relevant descriptors. Our contributors will use interactive annotation tools to mark structures such as boundaries, transitions, note groups, found in performed music.

Project created

Type of project : Online

Level of involvement : Case by case

AudYD Languages ​​and IT Languages ​​and IT


Participatory creation of audio descriptions related to practical or recreational needs

Provide blind people with increased access to audio-described films in languages other than English through the creation of audio descriptions by volunteers. Advance research on the translatability of audio descriptions in order to widen the language choice.


Organise meetings of blind and non-blind people to define the needs. Introduce volunteers to creating non-English audio-descriptions on YouDescribe (youdescribe.org); blind people will test the results. Create a corpus similar to QuerYD (colibris.link/YD).

Project completed
Mainland France

Type of project : Field, online

Level of involvement : Case by case

Suivi des oiseaux par marquage Biology Biology

Suivi des oiseaux par marquage

Centre de Recherches sur la Biologie des Populations d'Oiseaux

Suivre les oiseaux en les marquant pour connaître leur devenir, leurs déplacements, leurs migrations. Les données recueillies permettent de documenter la biologie des populations d'oiseaux sauvages en France.

Suivi des oiseaux par marquage

Pour tout le monde : signaler au CRBPO tout oiseau sauvage porteur de marques. Pour les ornithologues avancés : se former aux méthodes de capture, marquage et mesure des oiseaux afin d'obtenir un 'permis de baguage' d'oiseaux.

Project created
All over France

Type of project : Field

Level of involvement : Case by case

Objectif Plancton Biodiversity Biodiversity

Objectif Plancton

Découverte et étude du plancton

Les objectifs du projet sont d’étudier la variabilité spatiale et temporelle de la communauté planctonique et de sensibiliser le public à cet univers méconnu.

Objectif Plancton

Les plaisanciers et acteurs de la mer sont invités trois fois par an à échantillonner le plancton en rade de Brest et Lorient et dans la baie de Concarneau.

Project created
Mainland France

Type of project : Field

Level of involvement : Once a quarter

Tous historiens ! Heritage - culture - society Heritage - culture - society

Tous historiens !

Let's all be historians ! Survey on the history of Charleville

To track the journeys of individuals who lived in Charleville in the 19th century but who were born in or who emigrated to another city in the Ardennes region in order to better understand people’s life paths and movements.

Tous historiens !

Recreation of individuals’ life paths from civil records (christenings, deaths and marriages) and censuses.

Project created
French regions

Type of project : Online

Level of involvement : Case by case